in the distant future, things are different.

earth has new tenants.

this is a speculative story of that next world, where the ‘aim’ of evolution is to contribute to community, create self-loving mythology, live with art, lean into the land, sea and air, and do all with affection.

i kitty clay visualises the ways new life forms mutate through play and experiment, how they use and move into the objects we left behind. it talks, in the simplest ways, about how, even yet, humanoids could get things right.

making this work feels, to me, optimistic and reassuring. a reminder that life only ends if we assume the story is about us. i hope that optimism translates through the functionality of work that can pass forward and forward and forward.

so, welcome to post-human earth. as homewares.

and also houses for rats, and fish, that look old. and will last until they are.

thanks for visiting.

love, laura

likeness by @shiam_ldn

artist bio

self taught ceramic and mixed media craftist artist drawing inspiration from folk and narrative art, mythology, monsters, cartoons and the philosophies of wholesome communities.

north london born. citizen of aotearoa, new zealand. resident in meanjin, australia.

life, uh, finds a way - jeff goldblum

never run with a chisel - my dad

oh yeh, i got that like a fever - mcqueen